

Picloram acid equivalent24 % (p/v)
Inerts76 % (p/v)

Chemical group:





TEMIBLE is a systemic herbicide that acts on broadleaves weeds of arboreal, bushy and sub-shrubby behavior in pasture areas. Specific for applications to the stump, it has coloring in the formulation.

Application method:

Cut the plant as close to the ground as possible. In the plants cut priorly, make a new cut under the previous one.
For thicker stems, make a crosscut at the top of the stump for better absorption.
It is important to apply immediately after cutting, always wetting the stump well to the point of runoff.
It is important to carry out this work in pairs, one man cutting the plant and the other applying the product immediately.
Use backpack sprayers and cone nozzle without the internal snail.

Phytotoxicity and compatibility:

It is not phytotoxic to the indicated crop and at the recommended doses.


Avoid applying when there are chances of rain. The product can cause damage to susceptible crops (dicotyledons) such as cotton, tomatoes, potatoes, soybean, vegetables, flowers and species sensitive to hormonal herbicides.

Re-entry time to the area of treatment:

Wait until drying, but in case the re-entry to the area is necessary, do it by employing personal protective equipment.

Toxicological class:

Class III – Blue Stripe.


1- Boxes of 12 Containers of 1 L.
2- Boxes of 4 Container of 5 L.
3- Container of 20 L.

Directions for use:

Wood cross / Tabebuia nodosa
Sweet Acacia / Acacia caven
Algarrobillo / Prosopis affinis
Mesquite / Prosopis spp.
Ibope / Prosopis algarrobilla
Vinal / Prosopis ruscifolia
Mesquite / Prosopis kuntzei
White Orchid Tree / Bauhinia forticata
Leiteira / Peschiera fuchsiaefolia
Capper Bush / Capparis speciosa
Tusca / Acacia aroma
Palo brea / Cercidium praecox
Tala / Celtis tala
Spiny Hackberry / Celtis pallida
Giant Sensitive Plant / Mimosa spp.
White Pothook / Mimosa detinens
Ruprechtia laxiflora
Rose Cactus / Pereskia grandiflora
Araxicum / Annona coriacea
Araticum / Duguetia furfuracea
Seguieria langsdorffii
Lippia virgata
Blackthorn / Pisonia aculeata
Crajiru / Arrabidaea spp.
Dose: 1,5 – 2,0 l/ha
Time of Application: Cut the trunk as close to the ground as possible and immediately apply the product by wetting it well.
